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Day: July 21, 2020

Proof-of-concept implementation trial of international standard data formats 4(XBRL 2.1 table linkbase)[in trial]

Visits: 789 Note: Currently under trial. It has not been resolved yet. Definition Specify the parent-child relationship based on the presentation linkbase in Breakdown on the Y axis. We are currently studying how to define the X-axis. In CSV files etc., the dI would like to be able to define one-dimensional based on table links.efinition […]

Proof-of-concept implementation trial of international standard data formats 3(XBRL 2.1 formula)

Specify xbrli:xbrl for ancestorFilter, target all items including characters in typedDimension, add up the total amount of credit with test=”../gl-cor:debitCreditCode eq 'C'” and debit with ‘D’ in test of the filter, and verify whether the total amounts match.

Proof-of-concept implementation trial of international standard data formats 2(XBRL 2.1 instance document)

Implement definition linkbase (requires-element) relationship using typed dimension accountingEntries – entryHeader – entryDetail In XBRL GL, an instance document is defined in a nested structure of ComplexContent without using Context. By setting the maximum number of repetitions of child elements, multiple entryHeaders are expressed under accountingEntries, and multiple entryDetails are expressed under entryHeader. Arbitrary repetition is possible. When disassembling this, the problem is how to express the relationship between accountingEntries and entryHeader and the relationship between entryHeader and entryDetail.